Sticky traps, also known as sticky traps or glue traps, are tools used in biological control to capture and monitor insect pests in a variety of environments, including agriculture, gardens and greenhouses. The colour of the traps is a key factor in their effectiveness. For example, yellow traps attract aphids, whiteflies and midges, while blue traps are particularly effective against thrips. When insects are attracted to the colour of the trap and land on it, they become trapped in the adhesive. This helps reduce the pest population and monitor their presence and abundance.
Our sticky traps
Sticky plates are commonly used to monitor insect pest populations. By counting the number and type of trapped insects, farmers can determine the level of infestation and decide on appropriate control measures.
They help identify the species present in a given area, to help adapt pest control strategies.
These sticky plates are easy to use and can be placed in various locations as needed.
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