What are the diseases of tomatoes?

maladies des tomates

Growing healthy tomatoes requires a thorough knowledge of the diseases that can affect them. In this article, we will explore the different tomato diseases, their symptoms, favorable conditions, and prevention and treatment tips.

Crop Rotation and Plant Space

Crop rotation : To prevent disease, it is advisable to change the location of tomato plants every year.

Space Between Plants : It is crucial to ensure good ventilation between plants by spacing them 5 to 6 feet apart.

Watering and Mulching

Watering : Water the plants regularly without wetting the foliage. It is best to water in the morning with non-calcareous water at room temperature.

Mulching : Mulching helps keep the soil moist and prevents water stress.

Regular inspection and avoidance of proximity to potatoes

Regular inspection : It is essential to remove infected parts as soon as they appear.

Avoid proximity to potatoes : Tomatoes and potatoes share common diseases.

Tomato Mildew

Symptoms : Dark green spots on leaves, turning gray then brown.

Favorable Conditions : Mild, humid weather, rainy summers.

Prevention : No specific treatment, requires protection in a well-ventilated greenhouse.

Botrytis (Grey Rot)

Symptoms : Brownish spots on leaves and stems, gray or beige felting.

Favorable Conditions : Humid and moderately warm weather, poorly ventilated greenhouses.

Powdery mildew (white mildew)

Symptoms : Leaves and stems powdered white, deformation and drying of leaflets.

Favorable Conditions : Humidity and cool nights in spring and late summer.


Symptoms : Yellow spots turning brown-black on leaflets and petioles.

Favorable Conditions : Mild temperatures, humidity.


Symptoms : Brown spots on foliage, dried appearance; round “sunken” spots on fruit.

Bronzoid Disease (Virus)

Symptoms : Discolored spots turning light brown on leaves and stems.

Treatment : None, prevention by management of biting insects.

Black Ass (Apical Necrosis)

Symptoms : Necrotic black spot on the side opposite the peduncle.

Causes : Calcium imbalance, often due to irregular watering.


Symptoms : Discoloration of foliage, turning light green or yellow.

Causes : Nutritional deficiency.

Fruit Bursting

Symptoms : Large crack in the skin of the tomato after heavy rain.

Prevention : Harvest split fruit quickly in wet weather.

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