Packaging offered:
- 10 traps
- 50 traps
- 100 traps
Trap Description:
The Agrobiotop 25 x 70 cm yellow PVC trap is a tool in the integrated fight against harmful lepidoptera in crops. Made of strong, resistant and waterproof PVC, this trap is designed to last. Its folded structure creates a protective roof that keeps the adhesive glue effective for a long time, even when exposed to the open air, and without containing toxic substances.
Optimized use : This trap uses specific pheromones to attract precisely targeted pests. A pheromone capsule is simply placed in the middle of the plate for mass capture. Ideal for detecting the first emergence of adult pests, it helps prevent mating and thus reduces future proliferation. For maximum effectiveness, check the traps daily and remove captured insects regularly.
You can refill this trap with specially designed yellow sticky plates.
Pheromones are not included in the trap
Adaptability and easy installation : The trap can be easily hung in various agricultural environments.
- In orchards, hang 1 to 2 traps per 100 m² at a height of 1.5 to 2 m from the ground.
- For vegetable crops, hang them at the height of the vegetable grown from the beginning of spring.
- In greenhouses, place at least one trap, with 1 to 2 traps recommended for a 500 m² greenhouse.
Specific Targets : The trap is specifically designed to target harmful lepidopteran pests such as Cydia pomonella , Ceratitis capitata , and Thaumetopoea pityocampa , among others.tères nuisibles comme Cydia pomonella, Ceratitis capitata, et Thaumetopoea pityocampa, entre autres.