plaque engluee jaune 25x40

Yellow glued plate 2 sides 25×40 cm

Products for biological controlSticky traps
Agrobiotop 2-sided yellow sticky plates 25 x 40 cm effectively capture lepidopteran pests, white flies and aphids. Non-toxic and odourless, they are ideal for greenhouse crops, arboriculture, viticulture, horticulture and market gardening.
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Discover the 25 x 40 cm 2-sided yellow sticky plate, your solution for precise pest management in your crops. This plate attracts and traps harmful insects such as lepidopteran pests, whiteflies and aphids thanks to its yellow color, without resorting to toxic substances.

Colorless and odorless, it provides ecological protection for your plantations.

Its aim is to monitor and identify pest populations effectively. It meets all your needs, ensuring proactive and environmentally friendly management for your crops.

  • 1 bag of 10 panels
  • 5 bags of 10 panels
  • 10 bags of 10 panels

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