rouleau adhésif piège jaune

Yellow adhesive trap roll 30 x 100 m

Products for biological controlSticky trap rolls
Agrobiotop's 30 x 100 m yellow adhesive trap roll is an organic solution for attracting whiteflies, aphids and lepidopterans, in order to monitor and identify the presence of a pest.
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  • 1 roll
  • 6 rolls
  • 12 rolls

The Agrobiotop 30 x 100 m yellow adhesive trap roll is an essential tool for agricultural professionals who want to protect their crops from pests. Coated with glue and an attractive strip, this trap is specifically designed to attract and capture harmful insects such as whiteflies , aphids, fruit flies and lepidoptera, thanks to its intense yellow color.

With a width of 30cm and a length of 100 metres, this roll offers extensive coverage, suitable for all crops including orchards, greenhouses and other crops.

Easy to install and ready to use, simply place the traps regularly in the plants to be protected or nearby.

The most appropriate time to place this roll trap in the greenhouse is at the beginning of the season.

You should check the traps regularly. Replace it when the sticky substance on the surface is completely covered with insects.

You can stretch this roll between posts planted at intervals in fields or orchards, and placed parallel to the rows of cultivated plants.

The recommended rate is 150 m for 1000 m² of greenhouse.

This adhesive trap is a trap that not only helps control and reduce the number of pests. Thus, you can take preventive measures quickly if a species becomes the majority.

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