Pigeon damage to crops: how to combat them effectively?

lutter contre pigeons

The damage caused by birds in large-scale crops is constantly increasing, both in frequency and severity. Among these birds, pigeons cause serious damage to certain crops such as rapeseed, peas, sunflowers, soybeans and flax. These birds, often in large groups, cause significant economic losses for farmers. In this article, let’s discover the different species of pigeons involved in this damage, the most attacked crops, as well as the prevention and protection methods to be implemented.

What species of pigeons are responsible for the damage?

Pigeon damage to agricultural crops is mainly attributed to three species: the wood pigeon, the stock dove and the rock pigeon.

icone pigeon

The wood pigeon

a scourge for crops

Columba palumbus is the largest of the European pigeons. With thick plumage of light blue-grey colour, this pigeon has a pale pink chest and a long tail decorated with black bars on the ventral side. Its natural habitat extends from forests to urban and rural environments.

Exclusively vegetarian, it feeds mainly on leaves, berries, buds, flowers, roots, and especially seeds. During the winter, these pigeons gather in large flocks, made up of several hundred individuals. These massive gatherings, combined with their appetite for young plants, make them capable of devastating entire fields. Pea, rapeseed, and corn crops are particularly vulnerable.

icone pigeon

The stock dove

A more discreet presence

The stock dove (Columba oenas), although smaller and less widespread than the wood pigeon, is also present in Europe and western Asia. Its grey plumage is marked with two black bars on the wings, and unlike the wood pigeon, it does not have white on the rump, neck or wings, which makes it easily identifiable.

Agriculturally, the stock dove has a slightly lesser impact than the wood pigeon. Its diet consists mainly of wild or cultivated seeds, leaves, seedlings and berries. It sometimes supplements its diet with invertebrates.

icone pigeon

The rock pigeon

a marginal role in agriculture

The rock pigeon (
Columba livia ), known for its ability to adapt to almost any environment, is present on all continents. Its plumage is bluish-gray, with iridescent yellowish, greenish or reddish reflections on the neck and wing feathers. Although this pigeon is extremely common, especially in urban areas, its impact on agriculture is more limited but far from negligible.

The rock pigeon feeds mainly on seeds, wild grasses, and small mollusks.

What is the diet of pigeons?

Pigeons have a predominantly plant-based diet. They feed on legume and cereal seeds , as well as acorns, beechnuts, berries and small fruits. They are particularly attracted to young green shoots , especially those of cruciferous plants, making them serious pests for crops such as winter oilseed rape. Different pigeon species, although sharing a similar diet, have specific food preferences depending on local availability, making some crops more vulnerable than others depending on the region.

What crops are attacked by pigeons?

Pigeons, especially the wood pigeon, cause significant damage to a variety of agricultural crops. The following are the ones most affected:

  • Winter rape : attacks on rape are frequent in winter, with notable damage to the foliage and hearts of young plants. Pigeons mainly attack rape during the winter growing season and at the start of the vegetative recovery.
  • Legumes (peas) : Pea crops are particularly vulnerable at sowing time, when pigeons dig up the freshly planted seeds. Attacks can also occur at harvest, although this is less common.
  • Cereals (corn) : corn is a prime target for pigeons, especially at sowing time. The seeds that have barely been buried are often eaten. Re-sowing is then necessary, which increases production costs.
  • Sunflower : Pigeons attack sunflowers at different stages of development. They consume seeds and young seedlings at sowing time, causing significant losses. At maturity, attacks can also damage sunflower heads and therefore reduce yield.
  • Soybean : After soybean emergence, pigeons attack the cotyledons, which often causes the death of the seedlings before the first unifoliate leaves emerge. Soybean is particularly vulnerable during its first weeks of growth.

What are the methods of prevention and protection?

Combating pigeon damage to agricultural crops remains a complex challenge for farmers. While several strategies can be implemented, not all of them are effective, quite the contrary. les pigeons dans les cultures agricoles demeure un défi complexe pour les agriculteurs. Si plusieurs stratégies peuvent être mises en place, toutes ne se révèlent pas efficaces, bien au contraire.

🌱 Repellents: an effective solution

Repellents provide protection against pigeons. These substances, applied to crops or around plots, aim to deter birds from approaching. 

At Agrobiotop, we have developed plant-based repellents, which we have tested on thousands of hectares of sunflower and corn , and which have demonstrated their effectiveness against pigeons.

We recommend using the ANTIVOL biostimulant which acts thanks to its repellent odor. The alkaloids it contains keep pigeons away and prevent them from coming to your crops.

Would you like to test or learn more about the positioning method of our ANTI-THEFT product? Contact us.

Safety nets: a physical barrier

Among physical solutions, protective nets are a reliable method to protect young plants from pigeon attacks. By placing these nets over the rows, farmers create a physical barrier that prevents birds from accessing the crops . This method is particularly effective for high-value crops, where the cost of installing the nets is justified by the protection offered. However, this approach is more difficult to implement on large areas or for crops that require regular access for maintenance.

Scaring: between temporary effectiveness and habituation

Scaring, whether visual or acoustic, is a widely used method to discourage birds such as pigeons or crows and ravens . 

Visual scaring techniques include the use of banners, mannequins or kites imitating birds of prey. On the acoustic side, firecrackers, detonators or devices imitating predator or distress cries are used to create an environment hostile to pigeons.

However, the effectiveness of these methods is often limited by the rapid habituation of pigeons . Over time, these intelligent birds learn to ignore these perceived threats. These methods therefore become ineffective in the long term. 

In addition, the use of sound scarers is subject to strict rules of good neighbourliness, which limits their deployment in certain agricultural areas.

Hunting: a regulated method of control

Hunting remains one of the most effective methods of direct control against wood pigeons, especially during the winter period. Each department in France has its own modalities concerning pigeon hunting, which is supervised to ensure sustainable management of populations. Although hunting can temporarily reduce pressure on crops, it cannot be considered as a unique solution due to legal constraints and the need for coordination with local authorities.

What are the factors that promote pigeon attacks?

Several environmental and agronomic factors favor pigeon attacks. The proximity of woods or large cities offers pigeons natural refuges and nesting areas close to crops. 

Isolated or large plots with an unobstructed view are particularly vulnerable, especially if they are located near areas of grain or unharvested crops. 

The increased settlement of the wood pigeon in certain regions also exacerbates the problems. 

In terms of agricultural practices, spring crops are more appetizing for pigeons, especially if they are not very present in the region. Staggered sowing, shallow sowing, or slow emergence also increase the risk of attacks.

What damage do pigeons cause?

Pigeon attacks on agricultural crops are mainly manifested by damage to young green shoots, particularly in winter, when the vegetation is more vulnerable.

Symptoms of pigeon attacks are often visible in the first weeks of crop growth. Young plants , particularly rapeseed, maize, peas and sunflowers, show obvious signs of nibbling on the leaves and sometimes on the stems. This damage can slow the growth of the plant, make it more susceptible to disease and environmental stress , and even lead to premature death if stressful conditions persist. During the winter, young rapeseed shoots , for example, are frequently defoliated, leaving the crop exposed to climatic hazards and reducing its ability to recover.

pigeon ramier degats

Estimation of economic losses

Economic losses due to pigeon attacks amount to several million euros each year , especially for high-value crops such as sunflowers. Added to this are the additional costs of replanting and managing the damage.

The repetition of attacks, combined with increasing management costs, is forcing some farmers to re-evaluate their cultivation strategy , sometimes to the detriment of agricultural diversity. This trend towards abandoning certain crops can have repercussions on crop rotation, agricultural biodiversity and the sustainability of production systems. 

Farmers are therefore faced with a dilemma: continue to invest in vulnerable crops or redirect their production towards less exposed, but perhaps less profitable, alternatives.

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