Peach Leaf Curl: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

solution Cloque du pĂȘcher

Feared in orchards, peach leaf curl is a disease that targets leaves, young branches, and in some cases, flowers and fruits. It considerably weakens trees by limiting their photosynthesis capacity, which reduces vigor and directly impacts fruit production. Arborists, faced with this problem, must implement appropriate measures to preserve the health of their orchards. Let’s discover the damage, causes and natural solutions that we are developing at AGROBIOTOP to effectively combat this pathology.

Peach leaf curl, a disease caused by Taphrina deformans

This fungal disease is caused by the fungus Taphrina deformans . It mainly affects peach trees, but also, to a lesser extent, nectarine and almond trees. 

Blister is particularly active in areas with a humid and temperate climate. Its appearance can become a real headache for producers, especially when environmental conditions are favorable to its development.

Biology and life cycle

The fungus Taphrina deformans survives during the winter in the cracks of the bark, the scales of the buds or on the surface of the soil. The spores, which are its main means of propagation, begin to germinate when temperatures range between 8 °C and 30 °C. The first infections occur in spring, coinciding with the emergence of the buds.

Certain factors greatly promote the development of this disease:

  • humid climate , conducive to the proliferation of the fungus.
  • Temperatures above 10°C , combined with hot and humid conditions.
  • High rainfall and prolonged humidity facilitate the spread of spores.
  • Mild winters , without intense frost, which increase the risks of early infection.

Symptoms of peach leaf curl

The first signs appear mainly in spring, although some symptoms may persist until summer.

  • Leaves : The deformations are spectacular. The affected leaves curl, thicken and take on a blistered appearance. Their color varies from yellowish white to reddish pink. These weakened leaves also become vulnerable to other attacks, such as aphids or powdery mildew, before turning brown and falling prematurely.
  • Twigs : young shoots show deformations and thickening, indicating infection. If the attack is severe, some twigs may dry out completely.
  • Fruits : When fruits are contaminated early in their development, blisters and cracks appear. These degradations, often localized on one part of the fruit, harm their appearance and quality.
Biological control

The consequences of repeated attacks

Peach leaf curl, when it sets in recurrently, progressively weakens the tree. Each year, the loss of leaves reduces the capacity for photosynthesis, and thus directly affects vigor and fruit production. Early infection can result in total loss of fruit for the season.

Over time, the tree’s health deteriorates, making it more vulnerable to other diseases or stressful conditions. In extreme cases, repeated infections can lead to the death of the tree, especially if no treatment or preventative measures are applied.

How to prevent peach leaf curl?

First, it is important to promote an environment conducive to the health of the tree. Well-drained soil and airy planting limit stagnant moisture, thus reducing the development of the fungus.

Regular pruning of branches , which aims to remove diseased parts, also helps to limit the spread of spores. Affected leaves should be removed and destroyed as soon as they appear.

Planting partially resistant varieties is another effective solution to prevent attacks. These varieties reduce the risk of spread and allow for better management of infections.

Finally, using witness trees to detect symptoms early can help intervene quickly, before the infection gets out of control.

What solutions are there to combat peach leaf curl?

At Agrobiotop, we specialize in natural solutions that improve the soils of crops and orchards and combat cryptogamic diseases. Against peach leaf curl, we recommend:

Soil improvement (aeration, oxygenation and soil decompaction)

Biostimulants (they act as a first line of defense against diseases and pests)

As protection against peach leaf curl (T aphrina deformans )


We are developing a new approach against Taphrina deformans and other fruit tree diseases (Moniliosis, Powdery Mildew, Canker, Scab ) with our natural sodium bentonite clay without added salt.

The solution is to add  BENTOBIO + CHITOPROTECT (chitosan, basic substance).

Contact us for formulation L of water / hectare

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