How to control leafcutter ants?

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In tropical regions, leafcutter ants, of the genus Atta and Acromyrmex , are established as true underground architects… but also as a scourge for crops. Their feeding method, which consists of cutting and transporting fragments of leaves to cultivate a fungus on which they feed, causes considerable losses. Who are these ants? What damage do they cause? And what solutions can be used to fight them naturally and effectively? Agrobiotop, an expert in agrobiology, has developed natural control solutions to combat these crop-ravaging ants.

Presentation of cassava ants

Cassava ants, also called leafcutter ants, belong to the two genera Atta and Acromyrmex . Among them, Acromyrmex octospinosus is one of the best-known species. These insects, classified in the order Hymenoptera and the family Formicidae, are known for their unique agricultural behavior.

Unlike other species of ants, they do not directly consume the leaves they cut. They carry them to their nest to use them as a growing medium for a fungus on which they feed.

Distribution of mushroom ants

Cassava ants thrive in tropical and subtropical forests in the Americas . They are particularly abundant in the Amazon, where they actively participate in the cycle of organic matter. They are also found in the humid forests of the southern United States, as well as in Mexico and Central America. Their presence extends as far as Argentina and Uruguay.

In French territories, these ants are recorded in French Guiana as well as in the Antilles, particularly in Guadeloupe and Saint-Barthélemy. While their activity contributes to the structuring of soils by facilitating the decomposition of plant matter and accelerating the recycling of nutrients, they also sometimes become real pests in crops.

Biological control

Characteristics and lifestyle

Cassava leafcutter ants are distinguished by a highly developed social organization. Within the colony, workers distribute tasks according to their size.

  • Large worker : exceeds 1 cm and takes care of cutting and transporting the leaves.
  • Small worker : measures approximately 4 mm and is responsible for maintaining the galleries and the cultivated mushroom.

They mainly live in tropical forests and have a high invasive potential. Their underground nests house a network of galleries that can extend up to two meters deep. These complex structures provide a stable and protected environment, ideal for growing the mushrooms on which they depend. 

The workers prepare a plant substrate that they chew before storing it in these galleries. This environment, maintained at a precise temperature, promotes the growth of the fungus which constitutes their main source of food.

Food strategy and symbiosis with a fungus

Leafcutter ants do not directly consume the leaves they harvest. They use them as a nutrient base to cultivate Leucoagaricus gongylophorus , a fungus on which they depend entirely for their survival. This fungus provides them with essential nutrients through the enzymes it produces, allowing them to indirectly exploit plant cellulose.

The choice of leaves is particularly selective. Workers vary their collection in order to avoid the exhaustion of resources and to ensure optimal growth of the fungus. When they target a tree, they can defoliate it entirely within 2 days hours, especially after a collapse in the rainy season.

The relationship between ants and their fungus is based on a mutually beneficial exchange. The ants provide a controlled environment, protected from parasites, while the fungus provides the food needed by the colony.

What damage does leafcutter ants ants cause to crops?

Leafcutter ants cause significant losses in tropical crops. By cutting and carrying leaf fragments to their nest, they can cause complete defoliation of plants in a very short time.

Their impact manifests itself in several ways:

  • Reduction in leaf area : photosynthesis is disrupted, which weakens plant growth.
  • Crop weakness : Stressed plants become more vulnerable to disease and attack by other pests.
  • Reduced yields : Production losses can be significant in heavily infested plots.
  • Soil modification : By digging their galleries, these ants modify the structure of the soil, which can influence the availability of nutrients for neighboring plants.

Their activity is not limited to cassava crops. They also attack other agricultural crops such as corn, sugarcane or coffee, which makes their presence problematic for many farmers.

MEZY920 is a natural solution that has no direct action on cassava ants. This micro-granular solution to be spread acts directly on the destruction of the nourishing fungus causing the ants to move out of crops.

We offer this natural product in different packaging available. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your problem.

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