Fusarium solani: damage, control and treatments

fusariose fusarium solani

Fusarium wilt, a fungal disease, is a major threat to crops worldwide. Caused by various fungi of the genus Fusarium , this disease manifests itself in particular by root dieback and fruit rot. Among the most problematic species, Fusarium solani affects many vegetable plants, compromising their yield and quality. In agriculture, the damage caused by this disease can be significant, particularly in regions where climatic conditions favor its development.

Description of Fusarium solani

Fusarium solani belongs to the genus Fusarium , classified in the order Hypocreales and the family Nectriaceae. This fungus is ubiquitous in many regions of the globe and comes in forms specific to certain crops. We find in particular: 

  • F. solani on eggplant and pepper
  • F. solani f. sp. cucurbitae on Cucurbitaceae such as melon
  • F. solani f. sp. pisi  on peas.
  • F. solani f. sp. phaseoli on beans.

These pathogens are able to survive several years in the soil thanks to their chlamydospores, which colonize plant debris. It penetrates directly into the roots of plants, causing infections that spread rapidly. The dispersal of conidia, facilitated by wind and rain, allows this disease to spread over large areas, making it difficult to contain.

What are the factors that promote the development of fusarium wilt?

The development of Fusarium solani is closely linked to agronomic and climatic conditions. Poorly drained, unbalanced soils, poor in organic matter or deficient in nutrients , promote the appearance of this disease. These environments weaken plants, making their roots more vulnerable to infections. 

Similarly, excessive humidity combined with high temperatures (26°C) provides an ideal breeding ground for the fungus to proliferate. 

Inadequate cultural practices, such as short crop rotations or the use of infected plants, also increase the risk of spread.

What are the damages of Fusarium wilt?

Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium solani manifests itself at different levels of the plant. On the roots, rot and necrosis are observed which extend to the collars. 

The stems, meanwhile, can develop brown to black cankers , which disrupt the flow of sap and cause partial or total wilting of the plant. 

On the fruits, wet, black spots form, often at the calyx, while a mycelium can develop inside, making the fruits unfit for consumption.

Which crops are affected?

Damage caused by Fusarium solani affects a wide range of vegetable crops. Among the most affected are: 

  • the tomato
  • eggplant, 
  • pepper,
  • the melon, 
  • the pea, 
  • the bean. 
  • the cucumber
  • the squash

Prevention of Fusarium wilt Fusarium solani

To limit the spread of Fusarium solani , rigorous preventive measures must be implemented. Crop rotation over a minimum period of four years helps reduce the presence of chlamydospores in the soil. The use of certified healthy seeds is another effective strategy to avoid the introduction of the pathogen.

Favor ground watering to reduce humidity on the foliage and thus limit the spread of spores. 

Mulching is a complementary technique that prevents contaminated soil from splashing onto the aerial parts of plants  .

Finally, choosing varieties less susceptible to fusarium offers a sustainable solution to protect crops against this disease, while maintaining acceptable yields.

At Agrobiotop, we specialize in research and development of natural solutions to strengthen crops against problems such as fusarium wilt. What we recommend:

Improving your soils

  • SILIBOOST : it is above all the first solution to implement to avoid this disease. It is enough just to spread this powder solution to dilute in water (150 liters / ha). Application by spraying alone or in association with other products (weedkiller, fungicide).
  • SULFUR  : natural elemental sulfur not derived from petrochemicals.

Seed coatings (cereals, potatoes, onions, garlic, etc.)

  • CHITOPTOTECT (chitosan): elicitor fungicidal action
  • YAKASEM  : solution for protection against cryptogamic diseases, helps boost root germination and rhizogenesis

Treatment against fusarium wilt

Do not hesitate to contact us for more additional information on the mode of action and applications of our solutions.

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